The 5 health benefits of honey!

Verified on 02/03/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor
Les 5 bienfaits du miel sur votre santé !

Delicious, natural and tasty: honey leaves no one indifferent!

Honey is a naturally sweet food produced by bees from flower nectar.

As well as being a perfect addition to our dishes, honey also offers a number of health benefits. Find out what they are!

Honey, an alternative to antibiotics

Honey can serve as an inexpensive alternative to antibiotics! In a study published in 2020, researchers examined the effectiveness of honey in relieving the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections!

Honey is often used as a home remedy to relieve coughs and sore throats. It can help soothe the respiratory tract and reduce inflammation.

 » Researchers found that honey improved both cough frequency and severity compared to usual treatments, » explains Health.

Scientists have discovered an antimicrobial compound made by bees that could become the basis of many antibiotics!

Honey fights metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions.

These factors include abdominal obesity,high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high HDL cholesterol and high glucose.

Fortunately, honey can be beneficial for people with this syndrome!

Honey will keep blood sugar levels low, improve lipid metabolism by lowering blood triglyceride levels, and reduce oxidative stress!

Honey fights atherosclerosis

Honey may have the ability to combat hardening of the arteries, in other words, it will fight atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is characterized by the deposition of a lipid plaque on artery walls. Honey’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds help combat the hardening of the arteries.

Honey, effective for a healthy intestine

Honey has prebiotic properties. Prebiotics help ferment beneficial intestinal bacteria. They help improve transit, diversify intestinal flora and promote the absorption of certain minerals.

Honey, rich in minerals

In all, around 31 minerals have been found in honey, including phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. As well as being a tasty treat, honey has some excellent virtues!

All the more reason not to miss out!