It’s not so easy to stop snacking between meals! According to one study, 49% of French people admit to snacking between meals at least once a week.
To help you choose a healthy snack to munch on without gaining weight, here’s a list of 5 snacks that are great for your body and your figure!
Reasons for snacking
If snacking becomes a habit, it can be bad for your health, especially when it consists of fatty, sugary and salty foods!
The urge to snack can be triggered by meals that aren’t satisfying enough. But there can be many other reasons, including stress or boredom.
Snacking is also encouraged by screens: in front of the computer, TV, phone or tablet, it’s hard to resist the urge to eat!
To help you lose weight, or at least keep it off, here are 5 great snacks.
An apple and a glass of milk
» Almost any fruit will make a great snack, but you also want to pair it with some protein to make that snack more hearty, » explains one nutritionist.
According to the nutritionist, the perfect protein-fruit match is an apple and a cup of skimmed milk! This snack will give you the nutrients you need without putting on weight.
Tuna with whole-wheat crackers
If you’ve had enough of dairy products as a snack, you can opt for canned tuna, which is an excellent source of lean protein and omega 3.
For added flavor, you can eat the tuna on whole-wheat crackers! For an effective snack without weight gain, 6 crackers are all you need.
Berry smoothie
Prepare soy protein powder with 0% yoghurt, and add frozen berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries (or fresh) with a little honey.
Du réconfort et de la saveur, ce sont les bénéfices que cette collation vous apportera !
Salades de lentilles aux tomates et au cresson
Les salades ne sont pas réservées qu’aux repas ! C’est également une excellente collation pour l’après midi ! Les lentilles sont des superaliments riches en fibres, de quoi vous rassasier pour la journée !
Asperges et œuf dur
Les asperges riches en fibres équilibrent les protéines naturelles des œufs. Une combinaison classique, mais efficace !
Enjoy 15 asparagus tips, cooked or raw, with a hard-boiled egg and you’ll be full for the day!