Lemon: burns, stones, abdominal pain… watch your consumption!

Verified on 07/2022 by PasseportSanté
Citron : brûlures, calculs, douleurs abdominales... attention à votre consommation
While the health benefits of lemon are well established for many reasons (vitamin C, vitality, purifying care, etc.), here are 4 lemon uses to which you should pay attention.

Lemons can burn the skin

Rich in vitamin C, citric and ascorbic acids, as well as antioxidants, lemons are good for the skin.

It helps tighten tissues and clean pores, eliminating blackheads and brown spots. But it all depends on your skin type!

On dry, dehydrated skin, it causes redness and an unpleasant burning sensation. What’s more, this fruit is also photosensitizing, a virtue that increases the risk of sunburn.

Lemons weaken teeth

It’s the same with teeth: in small quantities, it helps whiten them, but it’s not enough. There’s no miracle solution: eating more and more lemon won’t make your teeth whiter and whiter.

Lemons are acidic, and like all acidic foods, in large quantities they can shrink gums and weaken enamel, increasing sensitivity to hot and cold.

You may even feel the unpleasant rush of air into your mouth. Finally, by irritating the mucous membranes, it can even cause mouth ulcers.

It is advisable not to take lemon juice on a daily basis, but to drink it through a straw and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Don’t brush your teeth within half an hour of eating acidic foods, as the enamel is sensitive and could be damaged by brushing.

Lemon causes abdominal pain

Although it helps digestion, regular intake of lemon can lead to heartburn. It is strongly contraindicated in the case of ulcers.

Gastro-oesophageal reflux accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may also be observed. Much will depend on how the lemon is consumed.

In juice, it tends to strongly acidify the body, leading to heartburn. Instead, dissolve it in water or eat it with other foods not known for their acidity.

Lemon accelerates stone formation

In the kidneys, the danger comes from the oxalate present in lemon peel. Too much oxalate has an antioxidant effect on body tissues.

Too much oxalate can crystallize, forming stones in the kidneys or gall bladder. As it comes from the zest, it’s more likely to be found in the peel than in the flesh.

Its high vitamin C content induces a diuretic effect that helps rid the body of excess water and salt. But the fluid eliminated is not replaced, which can lead to dehydration.