Here are 3 tips to combat motion sickness!

Verified on 21/09/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor
Voici 3 conseils pour lutter contre le mal des transports  !

Train, boat, car, coach, plane – no matter how you travel, you’re never safe from motion sickness. Fortunately, there are solutions to relieve the symptoms! Here they are!

Nausea, dizziness, headaches, paleness, cold sweats: 25 to 30% of the population suffer from the inconveniences caused by transport.

Although most of the time it’s not serious, this discomfort can linger for the duration of the journey, making for a very unpleasant experience. Also known as kinetosis, motion sickness stems from a problem of coordination between two sensory sources that the brain has difficulty assimilating.

Two contradictory pieces of information are sent to him: the movements he sees (message provided by the eyes) and the messages given by the vestibule (balance organ located in the inner ear).

« As a result, the vestibule cannot give the brain accurate information about the body’s position. This prevents the body from adapting to movement, as it normally does when moving, » explains the French health insurance company.

Here are our solutions to combat motion sickness, so you can travel with greater peace of mind!

The right reflexes

If you want to limit these unpleasant effects, you need to adopt a few good reflexes right from the start of your journey:

Choose the right place

If you’re traveling by train, opt for a seat facing the direction of travel. On a boat, it’s best to sit in the middle of the ferry, outside if possible, while in a car, the most stable place is at the front of the vehicle, as this seat offers better visibility of the road. And don’t hesitate to take the wheel if you get the chance!

Optimize your fitness

While it’s not advisable to eat too large a meal, don’t skip out on a small snack (it’s best to opt for a food that promotes satiety). Fatigue and hypoglycemia accentuate nausea. For this reason, avoid alcohol, coffee and tobacco before and during your trip.

Keep your eyes on the road

Choose a stable position and avoid reading or being on your phone as much as possible. Find other sources of distraction, such as music or talking to people around you.

Take a break

If you can, take breaks every two hours. In any case, try to get some fresh air whenever you can (opening the window may be enough).

Les huiles essentielles

S’il existe des traitements classiques pour soulager le mal des transports, il est aussi possible de recourir aux huiles essentielles.

Privilégiez les huiles essentielles de citron, d’estragon, de menthe poivrée, de gingembre ou de basilic tropical, qui possèdent des vertus apaisantes, anti-nauséeuses et antispasmodiques.

Attention, renseignez-vous sur chaque huile essentielle (posologie, contre-indication) avant de les utiliser : certaines sont déconseillées pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans ou les femmes enceintes.


Il existe des bracelets d’acupression pour atténuer les symptômes du mal des transports. Il s’agit de bracelets anti-nausées qui travaillent sur des points d’acupuncture ciblés afin de faire baisser le niveau d’anxiété.