Feeling a little sluggish this month? Don’t panic, it’s perfectly normal!
In winter, the body is put to the test: gloomy weather, cold, colds, angina, flu and other illnesses punctuate our daily lives!
That’s why, in winter, the right diet is essential to keep you in shape and boost your immune system!
Choose foods rich in vitamins (C, D), minerals (zinc, iron) and antioxidants to fight infection. But also hot soups, seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes to keep you in shape this season!
A nutritious diet helps prevent nutritional deficiencies and boosts resistance to winter illnesses.
Here are 10 superfoods to add to your shopping list next time you’re in the store!
Kiwi fruit
Packed with vitamin C (it contains more than an orange, 92.7mg/100g), kiwifruit is easy and convenient to eat. This vitamin-rich fruit boosts the immune system, fights infection and provides health-boosting nutrients, helping to maintain optimal well-being during the cold season!
A kiwi every morning will keep the doctor away and keep you fit all winter long!
Good to know: 1 kiwi a day gives you the daily dose of vitamin C you need!
The banana
The banana is a winter fruit with a host of benefits: while high in sugar and one of the most calorific fruits, it’s also an excellent appetite suppressant and a good source of magnesium, an essential trace element in the fight against stress!
Rich in natural carbohydrates, fibre and vitamins, bananas provide sustained energy, regulate blood sugar levels and promote the production of serotonin, helping to maintain vitality and alleviate the effects of winter fatigue!
Cereals are slow sugars, which means they provide energy over the long term, ideal for avoiding fatigue. They are also rich in fiber, making them easily digestible. Prefer wholegrain and organic cereals.
The nuts
Walnuts are rich in omega-3s. These help the body to function well on a daily basis, particularly with regard to cognitive capacities (concentration, memorization, etc.).
They can be eaten at any time of day and in moderate quantities, as they are relatively rich in lipids.
Green vegetables
Green vegetables are winter’s champions for keeping in shape.
Spinach, broccoli, leeks, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, cabbage, etc., fill up on B9 vitamins and avoid iron deficiency, which can lead to fatigue.
There’s nothing like garlic for a healthy immune system, protecting the body from disease while adding a pleasant aroma to dishes.
Good to know: Remove the germ for better digestion.
Garlic is a precious ally for boosting the immune system in winter. It contains sulfur compounds with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Regular consumption can help prevent winter infections, boosting the body’s resistance to the microbial aggressions common during this season.
Oily fish
To avoid vitamin D deficiency, which is greater in winter than in summer because this vitamin is synthesized by natural light, you need to compensate with a diet rich in it.
Oily fish(salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, cod) contain large quantities of this substance and should therefore be on the menu at least twice a week.
Their high omega-3 fatty acid content helps support the immune system, fight inflammation and maintain overall health, providing added protection during the winter season!
Black pudding
Iron deficiency (anemia) can lead to severe fatigue! Black pudding is rich in iron, a mineral essential for the formation of red blood cells and the prevention of anaemia .
Black pudding is rich in iron, as are legumes (lentils, peas, beans and soya, etc.).
Good to know: It’s important to eat a balanced diet, as it’s high in calories and fat!
Chocolate is a source of magnesium, making it a good ally against fatigue and the blues. However, it’s best not to overdo it, as it’s high in fat and sugar.
Likewise, you should choose black , as it is richer in cocoa!
The lemon
Lemons are beneficial in winter for many reasons! It’s an excellent source of vitamin C, essential for boosting the immune system and fighting winter infections!
Adding lemon juice to hot water can also help soothe an irritated throat and bring comfort during the cold months. What’s more, its antioxidant properties help protect against oxidative stress!