Gynaecological cancers: warning signs!

Verified on 13/10/2023 by Eva Yoro, Journalist
Cancers gynécologiques : les signes qui doivent vous alerter !

There are a number of gynecological cancers, each with its own specific symptoms. Signs that far too many women fail to recognize because they don’t know what they’re dealing with.

Characterized by the development of tumors in a woman’s reproductive organs, gynecological cancers include « cancers of the endometrium (body of the uterus), cervix, ovary and fallopian tubes [which] are the main sites of gynecological cancers, » explains the Institut Curie. Cancers of the vulva and vagina are much rarer ». According to figures from the French Cancer Research Foundation, nearly 75,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in France.

The importance of prevention for better disease management

This figure soars if you add up the 61,000 women affected by breast cancer every year. Representing over a third of all new cases of cancer in women, it is the most common cancer (but fortunately one of the most treatable). Today, prevention of gynecological cancers is a major public health issue, as ignorance of certain diseases delays their diagnosis and therefore hinders the chances of cure. Here are the warning signs of gynecological cancers that should alert you!

What are the symptoms of gynecological cancer?

Whatever the type of cancer, spotting the first symptoms helps to diagnose it quickly and improve the chances of recovery. Not all these signs necessarily indicate the presence of a tumor, and some may correspond to other gynecological diseases (mycosis, endometriosis…). But special attention must be paid to the slightest changes, as they may be the first signs of gynaecological cancer:

  • Vaginal discharge and abnormal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain, especially during intercourse
  • Digestive disorders and abdominal pain (bloating, nausea, increased abdominal volume, constipation)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and back
  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in the appearance of the breasts (appearance of a lump in the breast and swollen lymph nodes in the armpits, nipples that are retracted and of a different color, hardening of the skin on the breasts or even discharge from a nipple).
  • changes in the shape of the vulva, as well as vaginal and vulvar pain (appearance of a lump, mass or lesion in the vagina or vulva, itching, burning)
  • Frequent urination and urinary tract infections
  • Fever
  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss

APHP points out that « in a certain number of cases, gynecological cancers evolve quietly, without any particular clinical sign, and are therefore diagnosed at a late stage of the disease ». Regular gynecological check-ups and screening are therefore highly recommended to prevent the disease and detect it early, especially in the case of silent cancers.