A list of good habits for living longer!

Verified on 04/09/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor A new study by theAmerican Society for Nutrition published last July has just revealed that adopting a lifestyle combining these few habits can lead to longer life expectancy and better health! Have scientists finally found a way to extend lifespan? We give you the lowdown! Small gestures make … Lire la suite

Sunburn: the 4 risks you’re taking!

Verified on 06/09/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor Contents Des rougeurs et des démangeaisons Des cloques, une déshydratation et des vomissements Des brûlures profondes, des cloques et la destruction des vaisseaux sanguins Un vieillissement cutané et un risque de cancer de la peau Every year, 100,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed. The main cause? … Lire la suite

5 signs that heat is affecting your mental health!

Verified on 06/09/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor Mood disorders, anxiety, stress… Extreme heat can have an impact on both your physical and mental health. Have you noticed that you’re easily irritable or even depressed when it’s hot? Don’t panic, it’s a little-known but common effect of hot weather! It’s sunny, it’s hot, but your spirits … Lire la suite

Do you know this rarely mentioned 6th human sense?

Verified on 10/09/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor Contents Comment fonctionne la proprioception ? La recherche sur le déficit proprioceptif quasiment au point mort It’s often forgotten, but science has confirmed the existence of a sixth sense: proprioception. So, how does it manifest itself? We tell you all about it! Have you ever had the feeling … Lire la suite

What exactly is botulism?

Verified on 09/18/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor Botulism is an insignificant word for such a virulent disease. Foodborne botulism is a serious illness caused by a toxin that attacks the body’s nerves, causing breathing difficulties, muscular paralysis and even death. Is it really as rare as it’s made out to be? We take stock! A … Lire la suite

These 5 activities reduce the risk of dementia!

Verified on 09/19/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor Contents Le bénévolat Le tricot Le sport Les mots croisés et les échecs Dormir While there is no cure for dementia, certain physical, cerebral and artistic activities can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. We take stock! As the France Alzheimer association reminds us, a disease which accounts … Lire la suite