Very common in both men and women, colorectal cancer, or colon cancer, has a five-year survival rate of 63%. Less than breast cancer at 80% and prostate cancer at 93%.
This disparity can be explained by the fact that it is difficult to diagnose, presenting few symptoms in the early stages of its development. As a result, it is often discovered at an advanced stage of its evolution.
Nevertheless, PasseportSanté reveals the four most common symptoms of colorectal cancer.
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain, of varying degrees of intensity, can be particularly localized or, on the contrary, diffuse.
Similar to intestinal cramps and bloating, these symptoms unfortunately don’t always prompt a person to seek medical attention.
Changes in intestinal transit
Disturbed intestinal transit may manifest as constipation or sudden, prolonged diarrhea. Diarrhea may also alternate with constipation.
Presence of blood in stools
The presence of blood in stools can sometimes go unnoticed. Blood is not always bright red, but can be black or brown, blending in with the color of the feces.
Women and men aged 50 and over are advised to undergo tests every two years, to detect the presence of blood in the stool.
Good to know: These tests can be carried out at home, and can help detect early colorectal cancer.
The urge to have a bowel movement
Colon cancer patients may also experience frequent urge to have a bowel movement or unusual sensations during elimination, such as severe pain.
Other signs to watch out for…
In addition to these four main symptoms, there are other telltale signs that a person has colon cancer.
Unfortunately, by the time these appear, the cancer is often already at an advanced stage. A person suffering from this type of disease may develop a palpable mass in the abdomen.
At the same time, his general health deteriorates: he loses weight, experiences extreme fatigue, may suffer from anemia and episodes of fever.
In its advanced stages, colorectal cancer can also lead to other complications, such as intestinal obstruction or tumor perforation (tearing of the intestine by the tumor).
Both situations require immediate medical attention!