2 healthier alternatives to the Yule log according to a doctor!

Verified on 22/12/2023 by Alexane Flament, Editor
2 alternatives plus saines à la bûche de Noël selon un médecin !

The Yule log, an emblematic holiday delicacy, embodies the magic of the season with its festive allure and exquisite taste!

The festive season is fast approaching, and while for some people the anticipation of tasting the famous Yule log is becoming unbearable, for others it’s quite the opposite! The anxiety of putting on even a few kilos because of the Christmas meal is already making itself felt!

It’s true that, after a hearty meal, the arrival of the traditional Yule log seems to be the last straw!

To enjoy a tasty dessert that won’t feel like a brick, doctor Jean-Michel Cohen recently shared two healthier alternatives to the log on these networks! We explain!

The Yule log, a holiday must-have!

Rooted in the tradition of Christmas celebrations, the bûche evokes the conviviality and joy of family moments. A true delight that awakens our taste buds on Christmas Eve, the log is the must-have Christmas dessert!

Although end-of-year celebrations are often synonymous with excess, it’s essential to recognize that life’s little pleasures also contribute to good health!

In fact, when we occasionally indulge in pleasures like eating a Yule log, our brain reacts by releasing a surge of dopamine, known as the happy hormone.

However, it’s important to point out that the festive season often encourages excess of all kinds! Every year, our bodies are put to the test with festive meals, which are generally very high in calories.

To preserve your liver, why not opt for these two alternatives to the log? Guilt-free pleasure guaranteed!

Frozen log and Norwegian omelette

Recently on Instagram, nutrition specialist Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen tackled the traditional Christmas log dessert par excellence in a video.

Although delicious, this dessert is excessively fatty and sweet (especially after a Christmas feast). Opting for a lighter version guarantees an equally delicious flavor without weighing down an already caloric meal, promoting easier digestion and avoiding excess calories.

So, to keep with the Christmas theme, the doctor suggests two healthier versions: the frozen log and the Norwegian omelette!

Everyone knows the frozen log as a healthy alternative to end a meal on a fresh, melt-in-the-mouth note.

For its part, the Norwegian omelette at Christmas offers a light, refreshing alternative to the traditional bûche. Its combination of ice cream and meringue adds a festive touch without heaviness, ideal for closing the festive meal on a lighter, sweeter note!